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Posts tagged “Parkour

Milk! Milk! Milk! Got Milk?

Honestly, I love milk but I mixed with other drinks like fruit shake, coffee and choco-latte. This seemed to be the reason why I am tall today.

Why mention milk?

Well, I realized that Parkour mostly likely needs muscle and bones strength to do the all acrobats and stunts, that’s why I suddenly feel the need of calcium for my bones, you know, to forestall injuries and everything in the future.

Yesterday, I started reading lots of things about D-Calcium, Calcium carbonate, Calcium Sulfate, Calcium lactate and all kinds of calcium terminologies. Although it gives me brain hemorrhage and vocabulary stunts,  I found it helpful because it made me understand how different calcium really works in our body and how I will benefit from it.

Basically, calcium is good for the bones; and the 1st graders know that fact. According to some studies, drinking 2 glasses of milk a day is enough to supply the daily calcium needs. Hmmmm…

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Who is this Parkour Guy?

I was on YouTube Marathon mode when my brother asked me to watch this video.

Check this out…

Who is he?

Click Click Click.


After Parkour Training

My Parkour training went well today.

We are almost done with the lectures about the rolling, jumping and landing. I volunteered to try it in front of everybody, and thank God my bones didn’t crack. My co-newbies had fun too.

Anyways, I was tired and it was just 10:30AM. I needed to stay awake for my whole day [house] activities and for my Encantadia YouTube Marathon. Although I had my breakfast, my tummy got hungry because of all those basic parkour things. Imagine the calories I burned in this kind of sport.

Of course, I went to Starbucks to grab my yummy faves…

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Getting into Parkour

I really went crazy about this sport.

I received a text from a co-member asking me to go on training with them.

So there, I went to Datu Shrine at Luneta Park, Manila in full battle gear (sport shorts, rubber shoes, sports gloves and comfy tees) to attend my very first Parkour informal training session.

I called it informal session because that was organized by the members who just want to do some training by themselves. No real organizer was present that time. And as a beginner, I just watched everything and asked lots of questions.

They asked me to try some stunts but I was shy. Well, it’s my first time to be there. I was still trying to adapt the environment of my new hobby. I joined their warms-ups, though. I was able to do some egg-rolls, push-ups and many more. Good thing, I prepared my muscles for that in the past few days.

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Sports? Me?

I’ve got a change of heart. I will say bye-bye PC games for a while, and will say hello sports!

Yeah, you read it right. I’m getting sports minded now.

And when I say sports the first thing that comes to my head is being a “Traceur”.

(Say what?)

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