Lyrics and Poetry


The Zero Calorie Adventures of Milk & Coffee

Milk and Coffee Adventures

This is actually a dream come true!

Last July, I opened a new domain on wordpress to give space to my much awaiting comics, which is The Zero Calorie Adventures of Milk and Coffee. It’s a bunch of Filipino (Tagalog) comic strips that focuses on the friendship of the characters Milk and Coffee and friends.

The story line came out of no where, when I kept on wearing my weird shades and I started drawing my mini me. That’s explain why ‘Coffee’ had this bug-eye/heart-shaped shades. While the other characters are based on people I encounter and some friends.

The comics is in Tagalog, so sorry for the English-speaking fellas who are following me. It’s actually a risk because I don’t have an idea how it will go since I’m never familiar with the local SEO and how the new site’s Google ranking will climb up. Plus the fact that it’ll be composed of mostly images, I think it will be a great challenge for me.

But anyway, to my Filipino friends here, please support The Zero Calorie Adventures of Milk and Coffee. I’d appreciate it if you will follow and like our posts both on blogs and Facebook.

Just kindly go to these link and hit like:

Milk and Coffee Adventures – Twitter

Milk and Coffee Adventures – Facebook

Milk and Coffee Adventures -Website

Thank you so much!

This blog will never close, by the way. I have plenty of poems to share to you, so please, please stay tuned!

Empty Frames

I think this is the first time I’m going to publish a draft/unpolished composition. I don’t usually do this, but hope you find it cool!  Please leave your feedback on the comment section.

Here it goes:

Title: Empty Frames
By: Francis Moje
Youtube Link:

There’s a picture of us together;
They are not on the wall.
They say I keep on imagining,
But I think they’re wrong.

You and I have a photo
That we keep in here.
That’s the way you say
“‘Cuz our love our is intangible.”

Empty Frames (4x)

“Don’t listen to what they say”
Better if the world is the two us.
They will say what they have to say
But the love is with us.

You and I have a photo
That we keep in here… (in our hearts)
That’s the way you say
“‘Cuz our love our is intangible.”

Empty Frames (4x)

Your Love by Alamid (My Cover)

One of my frustrations is to sing, but I’m not really good at it although I sing as back up in our church.

In this video, Hubb and I were just having a quality time together. I decided to record this song because I’m very much comfortable singing it – even though I messed up with the last notes of the song. Also, “Your Love” is the song I dedicate to the people close to me. Check it out:

I did my best. Hahaha! I hope you like it.


Wanna Be By Spice Girls (JaMaWaKen And Friends COVER)

Stressed and time-pressured, we refreshed ourselves by doing something we were really ought to do, that’s to create a music video cover. This was taken a couple of weeks ago when we organized a friend’s debut party. Please watch…

This was planned even before the “Call me maybe” video of the Preview cover girls appeared.

We chose “Wanna Be” by Spicegirls simply because it’s one of our barkada songs, and Warner Diong, the guy wearing white shirt in the video, was an avid fan of the amazing girl band.

Hope you all like it.


3D Movies… And Titanic 3D trailer?

There are 2 movies I need to watch in 3D on this month: First, Marvel’s “The Avengers”. Then, the Hunger games.

And before I watch any movies, I make sure that I watch the trailer first, just to give myself an idea about what’s the movie all about and who the main casts are. Therefore, I browse youtube for such videos.

After watching the trailers, I found another fun made trailer, actually a parody, for the upcoming remake of Titanic 3D. Check it out…

Hahahaha! This was well made! I feel like going upside down while laughing. Kudos for creators!


During The Hibernation – Enchanted Kingdom

I mentioned previously that we went to Enchanted Kingdom when I celebrated my 26th 23rd birthday. I was with Warner, his girlfriend Vermisse and my Hub Andrei.

The fun part I experienced there is when I was able to capture our space shuttle ride on video. It was totally and extremely heart-stopping.

Watch, watch, watch!


Hear those cry baby shouts? Unfortunately, that was Andrei’s. He loved the ride, though. It’s just that he could not afford to have an awesome sounding shout. Haha~

Anyway, the whole EK getaway went well and became memorable for me. We were able to experience every ride (except the paid ones), plus it was my first time to experience firework display on my birthday. It was just every tiring because we were there from opening to closing, add to that the waiting time when we took our tickets via Ensogo booth. Even though, that was the coolest birthday I’ve ever had so far.


You and I Video: Make Up For Her Epic Fail Edge Of Glory

At last, the moment I’ve been waiting for… Lady Gaga’s You and I video.

Watch watch watch!

I like the music of the song. It reminds of 4 Non-Blondes’ “What’s Up” in some of its keys and tempos.

The lyrics once again are very meaningful, especially in the line “I’ll give up anything again to be your baby doll.” While in the video, her robotic form reminds me of something about resurrection. Hmmm… Har har har. But yeah it’s Lady Gaga. What should I expect?

Also, I like Gaga in this look. She’s so fresh on her gray hair.

Above all, it was a very good video. Enough as a make-up for the epic fail “Edge Of Glory” video.


Another Gayest Interlude: Mr. Manhattan

Ever played Spartan in your Family Computer? The was just like that but the funny thing is their using a magnificent sword.

You watch to find out!


>> Up next another mother monster post!

Is Mother Monster A Monster? (Part 2 — Costumes)

I don’t know what have gotten the artists these days and they started wearing weird – and sometimes funny – costumes and fashion wear. Perhaps they would say it looks good for them because it’s FASHION, it’s ART, and it’s their SELF-EXPRESSION thingie. But whatever the reason, it’s their body and personality. We can do nothing about it if they want to be fashionable or look stupid.

Back to our monstrous topic, the PDF I mentioned on my last post also pertains to Lady Gaga’s fashion as demonic. If you’d remember, she wore lots of dresses that captured the red carpet fashion critics and enthusiast. Like, there was a time where Lady Gaga was placed inside an egg. And when she went out of the egg, you’d see her body filled with devil-like horns. There was an event where she on her “meat” get-up. And, there was this time where Lady Gaga looked like a raccoon because of her hair color.

Well, for me, it wasn’t Lady Gaga if she won’t be able to make people go “WOW” on her costumes. But the things that make her a bit weird are facial horns that make herself look like a devil. Check out her “Born This Way” looks:

Click click click


Interlude: The AMAZING SpiderMan

Watch Watch Watch! Before you read the read the rest of my post.

I was checking trailers of the upcoming movies this of the year when I found this one. It got my rolling on the floor in laughter.

The funniest part there is when spider man summoned his giant robot — much cooler than the American Film, ei?

But yeah, Japanese really has a place of humour in my heart. Hahaha! Hope to see more of this.

Is Mother Monster A Monster? (Part 1 — Songs)

I just received an e-mail from a reader with a PDF attachment about Lady Gaga and her so called “satanic” or “illuminati” thingies. I downloaded it and read around four times and was amazed in everything that was written on it.

For me, the PDF was full of speculation by the author, but still it was kind of a convincing article due to its connect-the-dots evidences and explanations of Lady Gaga’s mysterious activities.

I have to agree that Lady Gaga’s music has become phenomenal and has evolved into the degree where she became inexorably remarkable in the music and showbiz industry. And to be perfectly honest, I’m a fan of hers but not as totally as a super fan like those people who bring her life-size poster and faint in the middle of her concert. I’m a fan in the way that I love how she plays piano, composes her lyrics and in the way how she plays with fashion.

This article here perhaps shows some of the facts that Lady Gaga is an illuminati disciple.

(Hmmm…) Well, I’m curious about it so let’s see.

Click click click


Christopher Lao: “I’m Not Informed”

This funny guy here will make you feel disturbed. Check his reaction on his interview after he tried to cross the raging flood in Quezon City.

Well, he’s probably right, why in the hell didn’t they inform him that the flood is very deep? HE’S NOT INFORMED!

Haha! Man! Dude!  Who in the hell would take his car at stake by crossing the raging flood?

But thanks to this 3 minutes news clip,  you’re now the newest Pinoy YouTube sensation. You’re even trending on twitter…

There, you’re now well informed!

Hahaha! Expect my “Like” on your fan page on Facebook


Judas Parody — Lady Gagita

Okay fine, this Pokemon here has already released her his Judas Parody, which was originally performed by Mother Monster. I’ve been waiting for this many weeks from now, and finally! Yes, finally, I can get her his head rolling in the tune of the headsman’s axe – I mean, give a verdict on his video.

So prepare your noodles; let’s watch!

Born This Way Parody

I don’t know what’s wrong but I guess this Lady Gagita’s Parody of Born This Way doesn’t have an impact to us.

Although her…err…his make-up and get-ups look pretty much like Lady Gaga, I still don’t feel like this is a great video. My bet is still on her…errrrrr…his Telephone Parody.

By the way, he announced that he has an upcoming parody again, and this time it’s Judas. I’ll wait for that and post it here.

Happy July Everyone!


Edge Of Glory: I Love The Song, But Not The Video

Speaking of Lady Gaga, I don’t understand why her “Edge of Glory” video doesn’t have an impact to all the people I asked. I find it a bit not worthy for that wonderful song. I was actually expecting weirder than “Judas” and “Born This Way” – or something that would define the meaning of “Edge of Glory.” But the video doesn’t really just nailed it.

Well, thanks to Lady Gaga, though, lots of people became interested on interpreting her songs, you know, to find the deeper meaning of the lyrics. People have started asking why did Gaga mention this on her lyrics. Why did Gaga write something about a person but the deeper meaning is different from what I understand? Then, these meaning-seekers will start searching for answers on the net just to satisfy their cravings.

Anyways, just as I said on my Twitter, I love the song but not the Video.

Here’s the video Edge Of Glory, from Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Album…


My Hair: I’m Free As My Hair!

I’m not sure why I’m crying on Lady Gaga’s “Hair” video. Probably, it’s what my heart has been crying for – I want to be free, I just want to be me. Because of that, I have memorized the song and its chord; I will play it once my fingers get a chance to reunite with a piano or guitar. Here’s the version I got inspired of..


PS. I’m planning to cut my hair soon. I’m just checking the best style that would fit my recent personality.

Starting Over Again — Jaypee Reyes

You can ask Andrei how much I adore this guy for his amazing gift for singing.

Well, yeah, to be perfectly honest, I’m his biggest fan. And I’m glad that he’s my friend.

I mentioned him a couple of times in my old blog site (which is I don’t want to mention the site anymore) for his promising version of “Every time I close my eyes” by Babyface.

And right now, he gave me another reason to adore his magnificent voice.

You judge… Here’s Jaypee in his version of “Starting Over Again” (Natalie Cole)


PS — My friend accepts offers if you need a singer for your wedding, birthdays or whatever occasion. Just shoot me an e-mail at or post your comments here, so can inform him, okay?


Friday Sickness Plus The Lazy Song

Good morning, world! ~

I felt a lil bit bad today and don’t fee like working because of the disappointments yesterday. I was with my mom over the phone last night, talking about the expenses at home. I blamed the world again because it’s all me “again” who needs to deal with all the stuff – and everyone knows how BS is that to shoulder big expenses at home without a help from anyone.

To tell you what, the current home expenses I’m talking about would eat 90% of my salary, leaving just my food allowance for the next payroll cut-off. Thus, that kills my plans for this week.

Unfortunately, I really have to face this alone because my younger brother has no source of income during summer. You know, no school days, no salary for the teachers. And my lil sister is just on her way to find a decent job. I hope she could find a better job so she could start helping me deal with the household stuff even though I don’t live there anymore.

But yeah, as I’ve said, I have to deal with this myself… probably, just for now. *breathe-in, breathe-out*

And since, I feel so lazy to face the world today, here’s the song that fits my mood…I guess.

Well, it’s a feel good music from Bruno Mars for all those lazy people, like me, out there.

See you around, Kiddies!


Is This Lady Gaga?

Born This Way nailed it again! Congratulations to the Mother Monster!

Anyways, check this picture. I guess there’s something wrong.

Is this Lady Gaga?

Look closer!

Now, tell me, is this Lady Gaga?

Click Click Click!


Official Video — Lady Gaga’s Born This Way.

No more too much  introduction, kiddies. I’ll just post it here immediately.

I just want to clarify that this official video of Born This Way (by: Lady Gaga) is from YouTube Vevo. You may visit the site by clicking this RAWR!

Welcome Back Britney???

Well, Ejomlexus is a bit disappointed.

I waited for this Britney’s video for how many months, but “Hold It Against Me” video doesn’t make me say “WOW.”

Blame it to her dance move!!!

Why? Check this video first:


Click Click Click


Here I Go Again! (Singing Lady Gaga Song)

Another Last Song Syndrome from my love of my life, Lady Gaga.

I love her so much, most especially her compositions and songs. So far, this song, “Born This Way”, has most powerful message I’ve ever heard in a song, aside from Madonna’s “What It Feels Like for a Girl” and “Express Yourself”

I’m not sure what her advocate in this song is, but many had said that Gaga was promoting the gay pride.

But yeah, I don’t care. I feel like the song is for those who have insecurity in life – those who are affected or being stepped down by the they-think-they-are-perfect people.

I hope Gaga is working on a video for this song. I’d love to see her on her remarkable moves again. Here’s the song from YouTube (Vevo) by the way:

Eat Bulaga with my Officemates!

I was invited by the other department in office to join them in their trip to Eat Bulaga, the longest running afternoon show here in the Philippines. They said, they had passes to the show because they knew someone from the network to reserve seats for us.

Of course, I joined them since “my love” came with them as well.

And here’s the episode, from youtube.

Well, did we get TV exposure?

Click Click Click!


What’s with this Love?

I’m having struggle in love, kiddies!

Nope, we’re not arguing or in the situation where we have to separate. I’m struggling because I’m getting obsess with this relationship and I am thinking of other things when she’s not around.

You know…the usual feeling of people in love. I’m just trying to get over it because according to Men’s Health it’s not healthy for a relationship to be obsessive.

Well, I’m not as obsess as the word obsess. Probably, I’m in the stage where getting anxious – you know, the feeling of always wanting to have a communication with your love, wanting to have a SMS from her. That’s what I feel; even now.

But don’t worry. I’m almost over it. Trust me!

I can now understand the distance we have in our communication, the places we live, and in workstations. I was able to delete our 1,000 SMS to each other without hurting my feelings. I can now wait until she gets to her break time so we can text each other. And, I no longer paranoid myself with the worries of this relationship; I just relax myself and everything.

Right now, I’m reading articles and asking friends with questions on whom to coup up with this anxiety. Good thing, I received lots of support from them.

Just cut this post short, here’s the song I want to dedicate to my Baby. 🙂

Sorry for the so Emol video. 🙂